Xbox One: Microsoft nimmt Stellung zu defekten Laufwerken

Xbox One Box Grün

Tolle Absatzzahlen aber auch Probleme mit defekten Konsolen.

Etliche Käufer der Xbox One klagen über Probleme mit dem Blue Ray Laufwerk. Dieses zieht die Medien zwar ein, gibt danach aber nur noch knackende Geräusche von sich.

Untenstehendes Video zeigt das Verhalten bei einigen Xbox One Benutzern:

Inzwischen hat Microsoft zu den Problemen Stellung genommen:

“We know that with a hardware launch of this magnitude customers will have questions and we have many avenues for customers to get the answers they need and get back in the game as soon as possible. Rest assured we plan to take care of our customers.

Any customer who believes they are experiencing an issue with their Xbox One should reach out to us. There are many avenues available for customers to get in touch with us including:


-Talking to a live customer support person that can call you back if you don’t want to wait for support pages and forums

-On Twitter with @XboxSupport


There are also Help and diagnostics on the console by saying ‘Xbox Help’

The issue is affecting a very small number of Xbox One customers. We’re working directly with those affected to get a replacement console to them as soon as possible through our advance exchange program. Rest assured, we are taking care of our customers.”

Microsoft verspricht (natürlich) einen kostenlosen Umtausch und empfiehlt sich direkt an den Microsoft Support zu wenden. (via Mobiflip)

Hattet ihr ähnliche Probleme ? Wie zufrieden seid ihr mit eurer Xbox One ?


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