Apple: iOS Chef Scott Forstall geht, Jony Ive zukünftig auch fürs Softwaredesign verantwortlich

Apple gab heute bekannt, dass der iOS VP Scott Forstall das Unternehmen Ende Jahr verlassen wird.

Design Guru Jony Ive wird in Zukunft für das gesamte „HUman Interface“ bei Apple verantwortlich sein, alos auch für iOS schreibt Apple in einer Medienmitteilung:

CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today announced executive management changes that will encourage even more collaboration between the Company’s world-class hardware, software and services teams. As part of these changes, Jony Ive, Bob Mansfield, Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi will add more responsibilities to their roles. Apple also announced that Scott Forstall will be leaving Apple next year and will serve as an advisor to CEO Tim Cook in the interim.

„We are in one of the most prolific periods of innovation and new products in Apple’s history,“ said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. „The amazing products that we’ve introduced in September and October, iPhone 5, iOS 6, iPad mini, iPad, iMac, MacBook Pro, iPod touch, iPod nano and many of our applications, could only have been created at Apple and are the direct result of our relentless focus on tightly integrating world-class hardware, software and services.“

Jony Ive will provide leadership and direction for Human Interface (HI) across the company in addition to his role as the leader of Industrial Design. His incredible design aesthetic has been the driving force behind the look and feel of Apple’s products for more than a decade.

Eddy Cue will take on the additional responsibility of Siri® and Maps, placing all of our online services in one group. This organization has overseen major successes such as the iTunes Store®, the App Store℠, the iBookstore℠ and iCloud®. This group has an excellent track record of building and strengthening Apple’s online services to meet and exceed the high expectations of our customers.

Craig Federighi will lead both iOS and OS X®. Apple has the most advanced mobile and desktop operating systems, and this move brings together the OS teams to make it even easier to deliver the best technology and user experience innovations to both platforms.

Bob Mansfield will lead a new group, Technologies, which combines all of Apple’s wireless teams across the company in one organization, fostering innovation in this area at an even higher level. This organization will also include the semiconductor teams, who have ambitious plans for the future.

Additionally, John Browett is leaving Apple. A search for a new head of Retail is underway and in the interim, the Retail team will report directly to Tim Cook. Apple’s Retail organization has an incredibly strong network of leaders at the store and regional level who will continue the excellent work that has been done over the past decade to revolutionize retailing with unique, innovative services for customers.

Forstall war zuerst bei Next und kam dann mit der Übernahme zu Apple wo er am Anfang Mac OS X verantwortlich war.

Später übernahm er dann die Verantwortung für iOS welches zuerst iPhone OS hiess. In letzter Zeit geriet der Manager immer wieder in Kritik da er bei zwei wichtigen Produkte die bei Apple erwartete Qualität nicht erreichen konnte:

Siri war am Anfang fehleranfällig und wenig nützlich und bei iOS 6 hat sich Apple Maps als Schwachpunkt herausgestellt.

Auch das ehemals stringente Design von iOS hat etwas gelitten, wurden doch verschiedene Designs vermischt. Ausserdem soll Scott Forstall schwierig im Umgang sein, was offenbar dazu führte, dass Design Chef Jony Ive gar nicht mehr mit ihm sprach.

Ive hat nun die Chance seine Designideen auch im Softwarebereich vom iPhone durchzusetzen. Ich verspreche mir einiges davon und bin schon auf die nächsten iOS Updates gespannt. (via Theverge)


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