Facebook: App Center startet im Juli auch in Europa

Vor ein paar Wochen führte Facebook sein App Center in den USA ein.

Nun gab man in einer Mail an Entwickler bekannt, dass das App Center auch bei uns in Europa starten wird:

About one month ago we launched the App Center to users in the United States, and it has already driven millions of installs to mobile, canvas and web apps.

Approximately 80% of our monthly active users are outside the U.S. and Canada, so we’re starting to make the App Center more available globally. Today we’re turning on the App Center in seven additional countries, and we’re launching a new localization tool for developers.

Beginning the Global Rollout
The App Center is now available to 100% of users in the United States, Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. People in these countries will see the App Center bookmark in the left navigation menu on Facebook.com and in our iOS and Android apps.

In the coming weeks, we are launching the App Center to users in Brazil, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, and Turkey. To have your app included when we launch in those next markets, please submit translated app detail pages as soon as possible. We are reviewing all high-quality apps and will prioritize those that submit translations by Friday, July 13, 2012.

In Deutschland, Frankreich und anderen Ländern startet das App Center also Mittre Juli. Facebook App Entwickler werden aufgefordert ihre Apps bis am 13. July einzureichen.

Sobald das App Center in eurem Land aktiviert wurde seht ihr in der linken Navigationsleiste einen Link darauf.

Wann wir in der Schweiz das neue Feature werden nutzen können, konnte ich noch nicht in Erfahrung bringen.


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