HTC One X erhält Update auf Version 1.29.401.11

HTC gibt sich alle Mühe sein Flaggschiff One X mit Updates zu versorgen.

Gestern Abend kam ein 14mb kleines Update welches das Smartphone auf Version 1.29.401.11 hebt.

Ein offizielles Changelog gibt es nicht, aber die immer aktuelle Android Community hat einiges zusammen getragen:

– New HBOOT: 0.95, New Radio: 1.1204.105.14, Kernel version:
– A german site ( is claiming any screen flickering should resolve itself within two weeks of using this update, apparently some voltage values were changed in the update. They report you’re able to speed up this process by manually setting brightness to 100%.
– Some are reporting much less screen flickering right after installing the update
– The SD card storage issue (disappearing empty disk space) appears resolved for some
– The bug that caused taiwanese text to be shown on the task management screen in the french locale has been resolved
– Wifi issues (related to both signal strength and wifi seemingly disabling itself) a lot of us are suffering by have unfortunately not been resolved
– Battery reporting (or calibration) is reported to be affected by the update in some way or the other
– Multitasking improved; most apps, including the browser, now stay open after having been sent to background

Genügend Vorteile also um das Update gleich einzuspielen. Wie immer bekommen die Geräte ohne Carrier Branding das Update zuerst. (via)


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