Dropbox: Neue Android App & noch einmal 500MB extra

Gestern erst habe ich über die Möglichkeit geschrieben, sich 4.5 GB Speicher bei Dropbox zu sichern. Heute schlägt ne Mail bei mir auf, ich solle die neue Android Beta Version von Dropbox ausprobieren und mir noch einmal 500mb Gratis Speicher sichern:

Hi Jean-Claude,

Even though the holidays have passed, we’re really stoked to give you one more present — a new experimental release! Under the wrapping you’ll find a bunch of new toys, including a brand new Camera Upload feature. Here the new stuff:

• Automatically uploads photos and videos in the background using Wi-Fi or a data plan
• 500MB of free space on first photo uploaded automatically
• Upload files of any size (no more 180 MB limit!)
• Support for resuming file uploads when there are network issues
• Various performance improvements & bug fixes

During this beta period, we are also offering additional free space to test automatic uploading of photos and videos. For every 500MB of photos and videos automatically uploaded, you’ll receive another 500MB space bonus, up to 5GB total (including the initial 500MB space).

Die Autoupload Funktion ist eine coole Sache finde ich 😉


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